The Benefits of Microdosing Psilocybin Mushrooms

A psilocybin microdosing protocol not only helps individuals address and treat mental health concerns, but can also be beneficial to anyone seeking to integrate a higher level of awareness into their lives. It allows users to observe the world from a more empathic perspective and assists in our personal healing journeys by reframing our conditioned states of existence. Magic Mushroom For Sale

We should note because psychedelics are know as ‘non-specific amplifiers’ the benefits you experience are highly dependent on your individual physiology. Meaning that what becomes unveiled throughout your microdosing journey will be specific to your brain chemistry and personal life circumstances.

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Microdosing has been report to improve focus and concentration, indicating potential efficacy in the management of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It’s also been attribute to enhancements of creativity, critical thinking skills, motivation, and mental resilience in typically stress-inducing conditions. 

Anecdotal evidence supporting the pratice of microdosing mushrooms for mental health improvement has demonstrated reduced anxiety levels and very positive effects on people struggling with post traumatic stress disorder, treatment resistant depression or any major depressive disorder. Magic Mushroom For Sale USA

In a 2019 study conducted by Vince Polito and Richard J. Stevenson, researchers collected the baseline measures of 93 participants. Participants were instruct to follow Fadiman’s protocol and submit daily reports. 47.1% of the daily reports were make by participants microdosing psilocybin.

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The study found a clinically significant increase (p<.05) in measures of connectedness, contemplation, creativity, focus, happiness, productivity, and wellbeing. Long term measures were taken after 6 weeks of microdosing. Clinically significant reductions in depression, stress, and mind wandering were sustain. 

Absorption measures also experienced a clinically significant increase from baseline. Absorption is consider as a form of focused attention which constitutes profound engagement with certain parts of an individual’s subjective experience. Thus, increase absorption levels are correlate to deeper involvements with the natural world and philosophical, contemplative engagements with art. Magic Mushroom For Sale

As many studies have come to evidence, namely a 2018 study led by Calvin Ly and colleagues, serotonergic psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin mushrooms, produce potent increases in neuritogenesis and spinogenesis. Neurotogenesis and spinogenesis describes the process by which neurons sprout and develop dendritic spines and axon terminals. Magic Mushroom For Sale Europe

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Think of these neurites as the limbs of our brain cells. In many people suffering from chronic stress, psychological or neurodegenerative disorders, significant brain atrophy is note. Atrophy is the loss of neurons and their interconnections which often lead to a decrease in brain mass, resulting in reductions of cognitive function and overall emotional dysregulation. 

Thus, psychedelic mushrooms stimulate signaling pathways by creating new neurons that increase the points of contact between them, replacing dead or damaged brain cells, and strengthening overall neural connectivity. 

Serotonergic psychedelics have also been shown to reduce activity in the Default Mode Network (DMN). The DMN is a brain region responsible for curating our sense of self, our sense of ‘I’-ness. It is activate in absence of our focuse attention on our outer environment, when we direct our attention inwardly.

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The DMN maintains the internal narratives that amass our self conceptualizations. In people with psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, OCD, and ADHD, the DMN is show to experience significant hyperactivity. Magic Mushroom For Sale Australia

Clinical trials suggest that by reducing activity in the DMN, serotonergic psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin also decrease hyper-rumination. In people with anxiety, this rumination is often associate with thinking patterns of stress, panic, or worry. Those with depression often ruminate on negative self perceptions.

People with OCD may experience heightened DMN activity due to habituated fixations. Whereas someone with ADHD experiences DMN overactivity in correlation with the inability to focus on goal-oriented tasks. In people suffering from addiction, reduce DMN activity can be attribute to a reduction in compulsive drug-seeking behaviors.

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In a 2008 study led by Roland R. Griffiths et al, 36 participants of a previous double-blind study were contact for a 14 month follow up. In the initial study, the participants were given a 30mg dose of psilocybin and their responses regarding the experience’s personal and spiritual meaning were record.

This follow up study evaluated the sustainability of the initial study’s results. For reference, immediately after the session screenings, 22 of the participants were find to have a complete mystical experience, and 14 months later, 21 of the 22 volunteers continued to meet the criteria. 

The Mystical Experience Questionnaire accounts for measures of internal and external unity, sacredness, intuitive knowledge, and deeply felt positive mood. At the 14 month follow up, 58% of participants rated the psilocybin experience as one of the five most meaningful experiences of their lives and 67% rated it as one of the five most spiritually impactful. 

The Study Of Psilocybin

64% of participants indicated that the experience increased their well being and overall life satisfaction, with 61% reporting a moderate to extreme positive change in behavior. The study’s findings are commensurate with the large body of anecdotal reports that attribute similar benefits to microdoses of psilocybin. Magic Mushroom For Sale Canada

These benefits include enhanced psychological openness, emotional connection to others, heightened gratitude and the ability to live more presently. A deeper connection to nature and an increased aesthetic involvement with art, serve as clinical evidence for the enhancement of sensory perceptions that many report on a microdose. 

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